
PrimerThermoHybridPCR - On line help


Your input sequence should contains only letters representing nucleotides (IUPAC code), any other character will be ignored (except special instruction, see below). The software is case insensitive (i.e. you can analyze both upper- and lowercase sequences).

Main Sequence

It's possible to insert additional instruction for the software using special characters: [ ] and < >.
You can delimite with square brackets the piece of sequence you want to amplify (like this: TT[ACT]AG). The program will desing primers flanking the delimited region. Please, note that you can't use a single bracket. If you don't mark the source sequence with brackets, then the primer will be build in any part of sequence, e.g. :
     >>>>>>>>>>>>>>      [ - - - - - no Primer - - - -  ]    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
       Primer for                                                 primer Rev
If you want to exclude some regions you can put angular brackets (like this: TT<ACT>AG..). Such regions will be excluded from primer selection. e.g. :
  acgttgcgcgcgagagcgcagccgag < gaaggcttccggaagtcgcataaggctctcg > cgcgaaccccaggagagagccaa  
                             <   regione forbids of primers    >

Similar Sequence

Sometimes you need to use the same pair of primers to clone a set of genes (i.e. orthologous genes from different species, or different alleles of the same gene). On the other hand, sometimes you need to avoid that a primers pair can amplify some other sequence related to the one you are studying.
In these cases you can put one or more similar sequence (in FASTA or Multi FASTA format) in the Similar Sequences box, and then select the appropriate option to make PrimerThermoHybridPCR select primers that can amplify both main and all similar sequence(s) or that will not any amplify similar sequence(s).


To reach maximum amplification efficiency, all template DNA, at each cycle, should be primed. This is possible if primers melting temperature is higher than annealing temperature. Usually, as sugegsted by hybridizaation diagrams generated by OligoMelting, Tm should be 3-4°C above the annealing temperature (Tm > Ta + 4°C).

A cautious choiche could be designing primers with a higher melting temperature, but, on the other hand, this could result in a higher probability of aspecific products.
Ideal annealing temperature depends on the goal of our PCR, and differs from application to application:

Please, find further hints on dedicated PCR manuals.


Salt concentration heavily affects PCR reactions. Higher concentrations stabilize hybridization, thus lowering melting temperature. Using more salts, you should decrease annealing temperature.
Mg++ concentration it's very important. His effect on melting temperature is about 100 times Na+ one, thus small variations (0.5 mM) on [Mg++] can change melting temperature. Several prediction tools don't consider this parameter, that is crucial for accurate predictions.

Products size

You can specify minimal, maximal and optimal product size.

DNA Polymerase

The first step of PCR involves a transition from low temperature to annealing temperature. At low temperature aspecific hybridizations can occur, and if hybridization involves primer 3', the polymerase can elongate such primers giving undesired products and wasting primers.

Pick primer or use your primer

Checking the pick [left/right] primer radio button, RapHybridPCR will suggests best primers using setted parameters.

If you want to try with your own primers (one or both), just paster them in the appropriate input field and check the "use this primer" radio button. The software will perform all primer analysis (self-dimer, hairpins etc...) on your primers, rather than looking for suitable primers from scratch. Program output will contain some warnings if your primers don't exist in the sequence or if their melting temperature is unsuitable with annealing temperature you want to use.

Using only one primer, the software will design the other one (a set of primers, scored from best to worst...)


Advanced settings

Primer length

- min : This is the minimum length for each primer (in bp).
- max : This is the maximum length for each primer (in bp).

These settings are not that importatn, as the software determine primer length basing its calculation on melting temperature. Short primers have to be rich in GC, while longer primers in AT, thus would be penalyzed in subsequent analysis (stretches, hairpins, loops etc.).

. . . . . . . . . . UNDER COSTRUCTION . . . . . . .